Candles enhance the ambiance of any space with their gentle glow, yet it's vital to adhere to certain safety guidelines to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience. Adhering to these guidelines not only promotes safety but also optimizes the candle's burn quality.

  • Always be present when candles are lit. Before exiting a room or settling into sleep, make sure to snuff out all candles. For an optimal experience, limit each burning session to a maximum of four hours.
  • Observe the 2-foot rule. Maintain a safe distance of at least two feet between a lit candle and any combustible materials such as clothing, books, drapes, or other items that can easily catch fire.
  • Position lit candles away from any air movement sources like drafts, ceiling fans, or air currents to ensure the flame remains steady and centralized.
  • Prior to each lighting, trim the wick down to ¼ inch. This practice helps control the flame size and reduces the production of unwanted soot or black smoke.
  • Ensure candles are placed beyond the reach of children and pets to prevent accidents.
  • In scenarios where multiple candles are lit simultaneously, space them at least three inches apart to avoid heat buildup.
  • Allow the candle wax to fully melt across its surface before extinguishing. This step helps prevent tunneling during subsequent burns.
  • It's advisable not to burn a candle for more than four hours consecutively as doing so may pose safety risks.